AMC's Best Day Hikes in the Berkshires- By Rene Laubach
Discover 50 of the most impressive trails in the Berkshires, home of the Appalachian Trail in Massachusetts. Ideal for families, nature lovers, and hiking enthusiasts, this fully revised and updated guide will lead you through the region's scenic natural areas, past historic landmarks, and up to some of the state's best vistas. The hikes stretch from Mount Greylock south to Bash Bish Falls and include ten entirely new routes. Each description includes a map and a summary of the trip time, distance, and difficulty. Author, birder, and wildlife biologist René Laubach also recommends the best trails for snowshoeing and cross-country skiing, and regularly notes the area's plentiful flora and fauna. Whether you're a resident or a visitor looking for a short walk or a daylong adventure, this is your essential four-season reference for the Berkshires.
Softcover/Very Good