Simply Dog: Lessons that Bark- By Maria Peevey & Megan Weinerman
SimplyDog is a dog's-eye view of modern living. Reh (pronounced "Ray") is no ordinary dog. For Reh, life is a journey toward harmony, fulfillment, and self-acceptance, not just mindlessly chasing after cars and happiness. And whether she's dating, coming home from work, or just de-stressing, Reh shares what she learns in a Bark--a phrase that helps her achieve, overcome, or just simply cope. As Reh demonstrates in SimplyDog, the right attitude can make all the difference. In photos and text, Reh delivers the Bark in 27 lessons we all can relate to: Whatever you do, make it look good; Perfection is overrated; Everyone needs something to believe in. In real life, Reh is the cherished golden retriever of Maria Peevey, founder of SimplyShe. What Peevey and Weinerman share in their SimplyShe books and cards, Reh now shares in SimplyDog. Her outlook, her hard-won wisdom, and most of all, her bark-based approach to life, will speak eloquently to readers of every species. Playful, modernist photographs plus humorous text make SimplyDog the perfect gift for the deep-thinking dog lover.
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